
Sick days. Great fun when you're a sneaky kid having a day off school. Not great fun when you're a parent with a house full of cold and 'flu. We all know winter is a rough time for catching colds, with all of those germs circulating indoors. But when it comes to kids, sicknesses seem to spread through classrooms as quickly as new fidget spinners. So how can you keep your children as healthy as possible this winter? Drink up, kids. Keeping your young'uns hydrated is not an easy task, especially in winter. A big cold glass of water is just not...

In case you haven't noticed, it's getting cold outside. Just ask anyone doing the morning commute, or wiping the frost of their windscreens. But what does the cold weather do to our wellbeing? We all know that winter brings with it a charming cold/flu season, where we take it in turns to be the one with the runny nose. But it's not actually the physical state of being chilly that leads to catching a cold. In fact, if you lived alone in Antarctica, you probably wouldn't catch many colds at all. It's being huddled indoors without ventilation (i.e. keeping the doors...

Put on your spectacles and your thinking caps, people. You may be about to learn something. Epsom salt is NOT ACTUALLY A SALT. That's right. That white salt stuff that you've heard so much about is not a salt at all. It's magnesium sulfate, with no sodium. But nevertheless, it's amazing stuff. Long known as a natural remedy, Epsom salt is named for a salt spring in Surrey, England. Both magnesium and sulfate can be absorbed through the skin, meaning a warm bath in dissolved Epsom salt can bring a wealth of benefits. Why we love Epsom salt: The magnificent magnesium. Magnesium is a clever...

Brrrrrr. Gather the blankets. Prepare the fire. Boil the kettle. Winter is coming. For Asthma sufferers, this presents a problem. Why? Two big reasons. First, a lot more time is spent indoors, where there is dust, dustmites, pet hair, mould, and other triggers. Secondly, it's cold outside'. So how can you fight the winter wheezies? Here's a few tips: Keep your house clean. Don't worry, we're not going to come over and judge you. But do be careful of mould in the damp season of winter. Keep the exhaust fan on when you're having a shower or cooking or using the dishwasher, because mould...

Listen carefully. Can you hear that? That's the sound of thousands of tissues being pulled out of their boxes around the country. Cold season is here. Hooray. You know the usual drill. Vitamin C, chicken soup, warm blankets. But here's a few unusual natural remedies and cold prevention techniques that may just surprise you. Here we go. 1. Garlic shot. Look, it's a bit intense, but give it a go. Take 1-2 very finely minced cloves of garlic and stir them into a small glass of water, then throw it back. It won't be as fun as a Tequila Slammer, but it will definitely...

Salt has gotten a bad wrap over the years. According to a lot of diet 'experts', salt will not only make you fat, but it will also kick you in the shins, burn down your house, and RUIN YOUR LIFE. Well, great news, friends. Salt ain't that bad at all. In fact, not only does salt have a variety of health benefits, but a certain level of it is necessary for human bodies to function. Let's chat about it, shall we? Salt aids blood-sugar control. A healthy level of sodium in the diet is required to maintain insulin levels. Those cutting out salt...

To reap the benefits of these homeopathic lamps, place one in close proximity to where you spend a lot of time. And don’t forget that pairing electronics with salt lamps is said to help mitigate the electromagnetic radiation that diffuses through your home. Consider placing a Himalayan salt lamp on your TV stand or in the kitchen. Other key areas in the home are on a side table next to the sofa (where you spend a lot of time watching TV), on your nightstand (right next to the bed, hopefully catching some z’s), near a designated homework area (kids can get...

Itch. Itch. Itch. Scratch. Scratch. Scratch. Hashtag Eczema life. Eczema is a tricky business. Flares, weeps, triggers. Fighting the urge to scratch your skin off. Feeling sensitive about the visible areas. There's nothing fun about it. So here's an idea; try salt therapy. Have you ever noticed the positive effect that the ocean has on your skin? Salt therapy is like the ocean, times a trillion to the power of infinity (do not challenge our maths skills, please). Firstly, what is salt therapy? All you have to do it sit in a comfy massage chair in a relaxing room, while pharmaceutical dry salt is...