
Every day it seems like we are preached to about the negative health effects of sugar. Sugar causes weight gain, sugar is bad for your digestion, sugar is bad for your skin and the list goes on. But there is sugar in fruit, so does that mean fruit is bad for you too? Turns out there are different types of sugars to be aware of, simple sugars and added sugars.   Foods such as fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts and whole grains are all examples of simple sugars. These naturally occurring sugars are valid energy sources, and along with the other nutrients...

When celebrity chef Peter Evans said he snacks on ‘activated almonds’, even health professionals looked bewildered. So, exactly what are activated nuts? An activated nut or seed has simply been soaked in water for 24 hours, then dried out again over a low heat .Raw nuts contain phytic acid and enzyme inhibitors that can reduce the body’s ability to absorb certain nutrients properly. Eating large amounts of raw nuts can put extra pressure on your digestive system and may cause uncomfortable digestive symptoms like bloating, heaviness and nausea. There are numerous studies in grains and legumes that show soaking and/or germination decreases the...

When someone suggests you should “go with your gut” — they’re more right than you probably realise. Thanks to a whopping 40 trillion bacteria perpetually hard at work, your gut helps power your entire body, so it is very important to take good care of it. The gut is where 70% of your immune system lies, where we metabolise hormones, where we make nutrients and neurotransmitters, create detoxifying enzymes and neutralise pathogens. All of these processes can profoundly affect us if not in balance or working properly. To achieve a healthy gut, we need to support good bacteria in our digestive system. Bacteria pretty much run...

You’ve had a great break, feeling refreshed after the Christmas fun and the whole family is probably in good health after all of the time outdoors in the sunshine. But school and germs are just around the corner, how can you keep the summer buzz going even after the school year starts? Start with their lunch box. Diet is key. There’s no need to completely revamp everything, but a few simple changes in your kid’s lunch box will help. Want to give your kids a dose of vitamin C? Did you know that red capsicum has twice as much vitamin C...

Salt has gotten a bad wrap over the years. According to a lot of diet 'experts', salt will not only make you fat, but it will also kick you in the shins, burn down your house, and RUIN YOUR LIFE. Well, great news, friends. Salt ain't that bad at all. In fact, not only does salt have a variety of health benefits, but a certain level of it is necessary for human bodies to function. Let's chat about it, shall we? Salt aids blood-sugar control. A healthy level of sodium in the diet is required to maintain insulin levels. Those cutting out salt...

FUN FACT: Scholars say the word 'salary' may be derived from the Latin word for salt ('sal'), from a time when Roman soldiers had a particular wage for the purchase of salt. So now that you've got your fun fact for the day, let's talk about which salt you should actually be spending your salary on, you Roman soldier, you. There's so much more than table salt out there. There's black salts, pink salts, salts from the Himalayans, salts you bathe in, salts you breathe in – salts for every occasion. Let's break it down. Table salt This is the salt most people keep...

Good news, you can still eat salt. Just make it GOOD salt. Salt and vinegar chips. Salted caramel. Salt and pepper calamari. There are so many delicious foods that involve salt, and yet we have been taught to avoid it, with health-nuts striving to cut sodium out of their diet altogether. In some ways, this is a good idea; table salt (which is 97% chemically produced Sodium Chloride, and 3% tables. Just kidding. But not about the chemically produced 97%…) is definitely not good for the ol' body. It's bleached, devoid of all nutrients, and the scary truth is; if you put...